This mod improves upon the original by changing some of the features.
Removed Or Not Included: Maps that are too bright, have little to no object shadows, or have very bright and reflective snow. This includes the following maps: Malinovka, Province, Prokhorovka, Ensk, Lakeville, Ruinberg, Murovanka, Erlenberg, Widepark, Cliff, Sand River, El Hallouf, Airfield, Steppes, Mountain pass, Highway, Serene Coast, Tundra, Kharkov, Minsk, Lost city, Studzianky, Overlord, Paris, Pilsen, Berlin, Pearl River, Nebelburg and Klondike. All other maps have been kept in the mod
Example of removed map Ensk and Sand River:
Example of map Fisherman’s bay that has not been removed:
Cloud effects (Clear night sky)
HDR configurations of the original (to make it appear darker)
Re-added Fog to make maps easier to play on
Icons for every map (loading screen, etc.)
Soon to be tested: Berlin, Pearl River
Warning: This mod makes it difficult to see, it can be more difficult to play with this mod enabled
Note: If you don’t use HD graphics, it might not look as presented
Download the .wotmod file
put the file into the current version of your world of tanks mods folder
Author: Ardy098
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